Creative Community Champions Project at the courtyard

An exciting range of arts activities for older people are being taught across Herefordshire as a result of Creative Community Champions.

Creative Community Champions 2
Six months ago, the Creative Community Champions project was set up as part of The Courtyard’s Creative Ageing work to promote access to the arts for older people across the county. During this time over twenty people have signed up as Champions. The project supplies equipment and materials in the form of creative toolkits and teaches individuals new artistic skills that can then be passed on to older people in the community.

Creative disciplines such as printmaking, mosaics and work with textiles have all been explored in sessions based at The Courtyard at regular coffee mornings and artist led training. These skills are then taught to participants in day centres, supported living accommodation and other community groups which support older people.


Creative Community Champions 2Creative Community Champions 2Josie Rogerson, Community Champions Co-Ordinator, says: “The aim of Creative Community Champions is to build a sustainable program of creativity in Herefordshire that will allow older people to access high quality art based activities. The project is going from strength to strength and we are really looking forward to seeing how it develops.”



The Creative Ageing Project is funded by The Big Lottery Reaching Communities Fund. For more information about The Courtyard’s Creative Ageing Programme contact the Box Office on 01432 340555 or visit