The Nettle Dress (12A) at Presteigne Screen

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Event Information

Duration: 1 hours 8 minutes
Genre: Documentry

Textile artist Allan Brown spends seven years making a dress by hand
from locally foraged stinging nettles. We follow Allan’s painstaking journey through seasons and years, foraging, spinning, weaving, cutting, and sewing the cloth. Finally, he experiences the fulfilment of
seeing the dress worn by one of his daughters back in the woods where the nettles were picked. “Hedgerow couture”, the greenest of slow fashion this may be, but it is also an act of meditation, a labour of love in the truest sense. A hymn to the healing power of nature and slow craft, it’s a single story that chimes with a huge groundswell of people rediscovering the joys of making.

The screening in Presteigne will play with a 20-minute short, Jill, Uncredited.


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