Stage Combat

Stage Combat workshops can be incredibly versatile, and help bring your wildest fight dreams to life. Whether that’s learning how to sword fight, or throw a good roundhouse punch; Lydia will teach and help you to feel and look badass!
From Lord of the Rings style fights, to wizard magic and mischief, a refined regency duel, or brutal Viking attacks or maybe even a Fight Club style punch up, anything is possible.
During the workshop: you will learn a brief history on your weapons of choice, be taught choreography, have time to rehearse and refine it and then perform your fight.

£20 per person

120 minutes

Even group numbers preferable

Maximum group size: 12 (weapons), 16 (general stage combat)

Lydia In Action

A woman and man in black T shirts and protective joint pads are mid fight - their forearms hit each other in the air A man and woman in period costume engage in a sword fight A man in a tuxedo holding a long, thin sword lunges at a woman in a green empire waist dress. She dodges the sword. Three women in period costumes are walking towards the camera brandishing swords. A woman with curly hair has a determined expression on her face, she is preparing to strike with a sword. A woman with dark curly hair pulled back away from her face holds a shot gun out in front of her. 3 people walk through the woods in dark camo clothing. 2 men are carrying machine guns while a woman demonstrates the correct way to hold them. A group of people on a film set, wearing black clothes and protecting padding, look at something in a group. They are covered in mud. The film set of a military scene. Camera men are holding equipment off to one side while a group of men and one woman stand waiting for the next shot in their dark clothes and camo gear.