The 2011 cast of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

To celebrate our upcoming Junior Youth Theatre production of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, we caught up with some of the cast of our 2011 production.

Sophie Mokler, Ryan English and Meg Wassell were all part of the cast of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe when we last staged it in 2011. Here they share their experiences of being a part of The Courtyard Youth Theatre, what they are up to now, and how being a part of the Youth Theatre has helped them in their personal and professional lives.

Meet the 2011 cast

Can you tell us who you played in The Courtyard’s 2011 production of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe? 
Ryan: Mr Beaver
Sophie: Lucy
Meg: I played Maugrim and Mrs Macready.

What was the best bit about being part of the production?
Meg: I loved being part of a big production, and LWW is such a great story to be a part of. And the opportunity to play one of the bad guys! I loved playing Maugrim, and I remember we had a combat training day, which was SO much fun.
Ryan: Learning to do fight combat and rehearsals in general.
Sophie: I have the fondest memories from this production, we created a fantastic bond throughout the casts, we had the best time during rehearsals and seeing all our hard work on that stage was just incredible. Also those fur coats….

Do you have a favourite character in the story?
Sophie: Mr. Tumnus!! Emma would played this part did an AMAZING job!!
Meg: The Ice Queen – she’s a complex character to get your teeth into if you were to play her; it’s lots of fun playing an antagonist in a show. Plus her outfits are great.
Ryan: Not to be biased but I loved my character the most!

What was your experience of being a part of The Courtyard Youth Theatre?
Ryan: Amazing I have never had a better time in my life. I always looked forward to the day I went every week.
Sophie: I loved being part of the Youth Theatre, I learnt so much and made friends for life! I also grew in confidence with my acting, I was always more of a dancer, but Youth Theatre really gave me the opportunity to excel in my acting. So grateful to the Courtyard for giving us all the opportunity to showcase our hard work on stage.
Meg: I have really fond memories being part of the Courtyard’s Youth Theatre – I was part of the Youth Theatre for 10 years (aged 8 to 18) and it was an amazing space for creativity as a young person who loved performing and always aspired to work within the arts industry. I met some amazing people and made great friends, and it really developed my confidence as a person.

A young girl with shoulder length blonde hair stands on stage smiling. She is wearing a red dress and white cardigan and is tucking her hair behind her ear.
Sophie Mokler as Lucy in 2011
A young actor standing on stage singing. He is wearing a brown top and waistcoat and has fake animal ears on his head.
Ryan English as Mr Beaver in 2011
Meg Wassell as Maugrim in 2011

What are you up to now?
Ryan: I am working as a chef but am exploring returning to acting.
Meg: I have worked for the Hay Festival as one of their Artist Managers for the past three years, and also work as a Production Executive for the Lavish Lounge/BBC introducing stage at Latitude Festival. I am also a jazz/blues/soul singer and perform locally around Herefordshire, writing and recording my own music.
Sophie: I am currently working as a pastry chef at The Courtyard, where I have been for 7 years now – can’t keep me away!!

How, if at all, do you think being a part of The Courtyard Youth Theatre has helped you with what you’re doing now or who you are today?
Meg: Being part of the Youth Theatre definitely played a part in my career and development as a person. It made me fall in love with performing/the arts and cemented my aspirations to work within the creative industry. It boosted my confidence and taught me to also have a go.
Sophie: It really did build my confidence on stage and enhance my social skills in all settings. I’d encourage anyone I know to send their children from a young age.
Ryan: Doing Youth Theatre moulded me into the person I am today. It helped massively with my confidence.

What advice would you give to the 2023 cast of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe who are rehearsing for their production now?
Ryan: Enjoy it, have fun and remember you will have these memories for life.
Meg: Just really go for it and believe in yourself – don’t be afraid to be confident and bold when performing – fear is the only thing stopping you from being great. But most importantly… learn your lines!
Sophie: Just HAVE FUN!! It was hands down one of the best experiences of my life – so enjoy every second, appreciate those around you and do that audience proud!

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us about your experience with The Courtyard or performing in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe?
Ryan: Words can’t describe how I feel about this place. It has given me some of my best memories and moments of my life and I can’t thank everyone who worked with me at Youth Theatre enough.
Meg: As well as performing in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, a highlight of mine was performing in the play ‘Blackout’ when in the Senior Youth Theatre.


The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 2023

The Courtyard Junior Youth Theatre present a brand-new production of CS Lewis’ timeless tale this Easter.

During a game of hide-and-seek, Lucy ventures into an old wardrobe, only to find that a magical kingdom lies on the other side. As she steps through the wardrobe, she discovers the mystical land of Narnia, where Lions can talk, Fauns make tea, and it is always winter but never Christmas.

Join Lucy and her siblings Edmund, Peter and Susan as they help Aslan, Mr Tumnus and even Father Christmas in a quest to defeat the Evil White Witch. Will the children ever return home through the wardrobe? Or will they be stuck in Narnia, in eternal winter forever? Featuring original music, spectacular costumes, and plenty of Turkish Delight, this family show will entertain audiences of all ages!

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is on from Wednesday 12 – Saturday 15 April.

Book tickets to The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe now!