The Courtyard’s Stewards Social

A wonderful sunny celebration!

Last weekend, we held our annual stewards’ social to celebrate and recognise the amazing contributions of our dedicated volunteers who make The Courtyard a warm and welcoming space for our patrons.

The weather was glorious, and we had the pleasure of gathering on our lounge and terrace area, creating a relaxed and festive atmosphere. The social served as an opportunity for our stewards to unwind, catch up, and spend quality time with each other, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

A group of people stood smiling in The Courtyard Lounge A man and woman hugging in The Courtyard Lounge. The woman laughs. An elderly woman sits smiling at a table surrounded by name badges.

An exciting milestone

During the event, we had the honour of celebrating five stewards who have reached the remarkable milestone of 25 years of volunteering at the Courtyard. Their dedication and unwavering commitment to our organisation are a testament to their passion for the arts and their desire to make a positive impact on our community. We are incredibly grateful to have them as part of our team.

We also took this occasion to thank all our volunteers for their invaluable contributions that create the welcoming and inviting atmosphere at The Courtyard. Their tireless efforts behind the scenes ensure that our visitors have a memorable and enjoyable experience, and we are eternally grateful for their selfless service.

A woman being presented with a certificate in The Courtyard Lounge. A group of people pose on The Courtyard stairs. Five people smile at the camera in The Courtyard Lounge.

Among our celebrated volunteers, Katie Meredith and Phil O’Callahan marked their 10th anniversary of working and volunteering at the Courtyard – photographed at the top. Their unwavering dedication and enthusiasm have significantly contributed to our organisation’s success, and we are thrilled to have them as part of our Courtyard family.

The Courtyard Stewards’ Social was a resounding success, filled with laughter, conversations, and a shared appreciation for the exceptional team of volunteers who make our organisation thrive. We are truly fortunate to have such a committed and passionate group of individuals, and we look forward to continuing our journey together, creating memorable experiences for our patrons and contributing to a vibrant arts community.